Sixteen | Teen Ink


December 8, 2010
By allywhaley12 BRONZE, Williamstown, West Virginia
allywhaley12 BRONZE, Williamstown, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book “The Year I Turned Sixteen” grabs your attention, and evokes so many emotions that it is difficult not to become interested in this book. It hits hardest on the fear of losing someone you love, when the four sisters lost their dad, in a fishing accident, it was a hard thing to get over. They feared losing another family member, and with the death of Daisy the second oldest sister, their fear became real. Every time there was a storm in Hawk Harbor the girls became frightened that they would lose yet another family member to the awful weather. Another emotion that the book brought out was happiness, happy that the girls in the end made the right decisions, and that they could get over the deaths of the family members, and the fact that no matter what happened they would always be there for each other. When Daisy began dating Peter she started drifting away from her family, and anyone else who loved her, she became more distant, which in turn made the reader feel sadness. When the girls lost their beloved sister, the most obvious feeling was sadness, that they had lost another person that they had all loved.


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