The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell | Teen Ink

The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell

September 12, 2010
By iloveyou245 BRONZE, Hinton, West Virginia
iloveyou245 BRONZE, Hinton, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This book is about a guy named Rainsford, him and his friends were sailing on a ship. Whitney his friend was talking about this haunted island where noone ever goes to, after he told the story everyone was tired so they went to bed, except Rainsford stayed up and smoked his pipe, while smoking he accidentally dropped it, so he reached over and tried to get it, while doing that he fell overboard, he was thinking to holler for help, but everyone was asleep. So he tried to swim toward the lights on the the back of the boat, but the lights shimmered more and more out of his sight. The only thing Rainsford could do is swim to the nearest thing to him, which was the island everyone said was haunted. No other choice, Rainsford swam to the island; not getting a very good glimpse of what it looked like,he just fell asleep. When he woke up, he saw a little house, he walked up to it, knocking on the door after a few times, a man answered the door. The man seemed to be holding gun, and Rainsford said,” I will not hurt you, do not be alarmed”. The man just seemed to stare at him then finally the man said “ It’s a very great honor and pleasure to welcome Mr.Sanger Rainsford in my home”. Then he said “ The name is General Zaroff,come in”. General Zaroff said “ I have a change of clothes upstairs, you can get out of those wet clothes”. So he did, came back down stairs. They just talked for awhile, then they went off to bed, the next morning General Zaroff asked him if he wanted to play a game, and Rainsford said “ a game, what kind of game”? General Zaroff said “ you go out in the woods”. So he played the game and won! As General Zaroff kept looking for him, he could not find him. When General Zaroff came back, Rainsford was there. General Zaroff walked in and then out the window he went, Rainsford actually won the game no one had ever did.

To Be

The author's comments:
I had to write this for school work.


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