Why Boys Fail by Richard Whitmire | Teen Ink

Why Boys Fail by Richard Whitmire

May 3, 2010
By Anonymous

It may be a surprise to learn that there is a growing disparity in the academic achievements of males today, and that boys are increasingly facing problems in schools. While many young men are experiencing success in their educational goals, Richard Whitmire, author of Why Boys Fail, argues that nation wide, males tend to fall short academically, particularly in their reading and writing skills. From young, Whitmire states, boys face higher academic problems in schools and are not reaching the same levels of academic success as compared to girls.

Several explanations for the downward spiral of the achievements of some men have been offered, such as the popularity of video games, lack of male teachers, and medical problems associated with learning disabilities that may hinder the performance of boys. However, instead of complaining or lamenting on the current state of boys today, Whitmire offers several solutions that may be of interest to schools and educational programs. These strategies include increased mentoring to engage and monitor the students and their progress and increased literary instruction and teaching in schools so that children and teenagers are better equipped to handle the demands in today’s society. Other solutions may seem promising, but these ideas may not appeal to everyone. For example, single sex classrooms and schools that allow students to specialize on certain careers like business offer promising potential to help teenagers today, however there are some disadvantages such as an imbalance in the social interaction of males and females and a lack of a solid education that provides a foundation for any interest or career, rather than a specific career. Overall, while this books may challenge your pre-existing ideas on the educational systems in our nation, it does offer a fresh insight on the struggles and problems some males face and possible solutions to help fix these problems.


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