The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho | Teen Ink

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

April 14, 2010
By nvohra61 BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
nvohra61 BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What would you do if you knew about a treasure hidden in the pyramids? Would you risk your life to go on this adventure? The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is about Santiago, a Spaniard shepherd boy, who goes on a journey across the Egyptian desert in search of treasure. He meets many people along the way to help him, including a Gypsy, a king, an Englishman, and an alchemist. The story starts off when Santiago has a dream. He dreams of a child transporting him to the Egyptian pyramids. Santiago visits a Gypsy woman to interpret his dream. She tells him that a treasure is hidden in the Pyramids. She warns him that his quest will not be easy, and if he finds the treasure he must give one tenth of it to her. Just like the Gypsy woman had said, Santiago encounters many obstacles. A thief steals all of his money, and he has to cross through a desert in the middle of a war. Many good things also come out of his journey. He meets the love of his life Fatima, and helps a crystal shopkeeper. He learns many things from the alchemist who assists him on his quest. It seems like the alchemist already knows what lies in the pyramids, but Santiago must find out for himself. Little does he know, that he is about to find something surprising at the end of his journey. Will he find the treasure he has worked so hard for? The story ends with a shocking twist. The plot keeps the reader wanting more. A journey that is about finding treasure turns into a life long lesson Santiago will never forget. Coelho brilliantly displays the meaning of life through the eyes of Santiago’s character. It is a story about following our dreams, hearts, and achieving our goals.


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