Devilish by Maureen Johnson | Teen Ink

Devilish by Maureen Johnson

April 14, 2010
By _KTLS_ PLATINUM, McMurray, Pennsylvania
_KTLS_ PLATINUM, McMurray, Pennsylvania
33 articles 0 photos 9 comments

“Lanalee’s scary demonic mark was a small, very rough cartoon of a poodle, with curlicues for fur and a smiley face. She took the pen set back to the desk and carefully locked it up, then came and sat back down crossed-legged. She had a loose, happy expression – almost a kind of ecstasy. I folded my arms, leaned back, and met her gaze with my own. ‘Congratulations,’ she said. ‘We’re all set.’”

Jane Jarvis and her best friend Allison Concord are excited to finally begin their senior year… mostly so that they can leave the all-girls school that they go to and start having a real life. When Ally gets sick during the first assembly of the year and misses out on her chance to get a Little (a freshman or new student that they become the mentor for), she thinks that all is lost. Not so, she finds out, when Lanalee Tremone walks into her life. Jane soon finds that her best friend is changing into something unnatural, and, with the help of a freshman named Owen, Jane embarks on a quest to return her friend to normal – risking her soul in the process.

Completely different from the other books that Maureen Johnson has written (including 13 Little Blue Envelopes and The Bermudez Triangle), Devilish is a real eye-opener and makes one ask the question: Just how far am I willing to go to save a friend? This book is great for anyone looking for an adventurous plotline with a happy ending, and I highly recommend it.


The author's comments:
I used to do book reviews with every single book that I read but never had anywhere to submit them. I know this is an older book, but that doesn't mean it isn't any good. I hope this is helpful!


This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 27 2010 at 6:10 pm
_KTLS_ PLATINUM, McMurray, Pennsylvania
33 articles 0 photos 9 comments
Haha, this is the wrong cover, but I'm sure that this book is good, too. The real cover has a picture of a cupcake on it. :D