Leon's Story | Teen Ink

Leon's Story

January 25, 2010
By Connor Losey BRONZE, Gansevoort, New York
Connor Losey BRONZE, Gansevoort, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Leon's Story, By Leon Walter Tillage, copyright date 1997, is a tremendous first person account of the Civil Rights Movement. Although this African- American book is informative, it is very weak weak. The book would be a good source for a report you were writing on the Civil Rights Movements. Other than that reason, i wouldn't read this book. If you were going to read this book for enjoyment, you may want to rethink that choice. I would not reccomend this book to any middle school students. This book was a very good first person account of the time period, but in no way was it a good read. Here's why. This book was very informative, but it had many flaws. This book is only 103 pages long, the book starts on page three, and between each chapter is a picture than a blank page. In short, the book is short, so there is little elaboration. Also, the book is a biography, but doesn't hava any ordeer of sequence, therefore there is little orginization. Sense the story jumps around it is hard to adjust from innocent bappenings at school to Klansmen plaaning attacks on African-Americans. As you can see, Leon's Story is a good resource but not a good read.


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