Twilight: Ultimate Adventure | Teen Ink

Twilight: Ultimate Adventure

December 1, 2022
By ljsuperman24 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
ljsuperman24 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
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Have you ever heard of the Twilight Saga, either from watching the movies or reading the books? This saga has become very popular over the years and it all started with the book, Twilight by Stephenie Meyer in 2005. Twilight lures you into Stephenie Meyer’s fantasy world of god-like vampires and werewolves that have never been seen before. As you get sucked into this new world, you tend to zone out all distractions and become part of the story with the intention of never putting the book down with Meyer's writing being so intriguing and keeping you on the edge of your seat wanting to know more at the end of each chapter. Meyer’s use of detailed descriptions of characters and setting in Twilight allow readers to picture what is happening in the story in their head instead of just reading the words on the page. 

Some people might think that the movie Twilight is based on the exact storyline of the book, but they are actually quite different from each other. The book gives more descriptions of the well known characters along with more of the interactions that weren’t in the movie. An example of an interaction that is different between the book and the movie is Bella revealing to Edward that she knows his secret. In the book, this interaction is done on the car ride home from Seattle, while in the movie the interaction is done in the woods.

In Twilight, Meyer uses the first line of the story to set the readers up for what’s happening in the story with the line “I’d never given much thought to how I would die - I’d had reason enough in the last few months - but even if I had, I would not have imagined it like this.”(Meyer, 1). This line helps get the reader hooked on the book as it is very intriguing and makes you wonder what will happen in the story to make the author want to include it before the story begins. As readers continue to read, they learn that Twilight follows Bella Swan as she moves from sunny Phoenix, Arizona to cold and wet Forks, Washington where she meets the mysterious and attractive Edward Cullen when her life takes a thrilling turn. That turn could be for better or for worse, but will it all work out in the end? That’s the real question that gets answered towards the very end of the book. 

Meyer’s use of character development throughout the book keeps readers very intrigued in the characters and storyline. Meyer shows the most character development with Bella and Edward. 

Meyer shows Bella go from being a shy and clumsy girl from Arizona to being curious about the world around her to being braver than ever at the end of story.  Meyer shows Edward go from being very mysterious and curious about Bella to being very protective over her to saving her life at the end of the story. 

Meyer also uses a chronological sequence of events in the book that is easy for readers to follow instead of having Bella have many flashbacks to her past in Phoenix. She starts out the story with Bella moving towns and goes on to continue to progress through events in the story to the final event of Bella becoming a target at the end. That chronological sequence of events helps the readers and Bella meet some very interesting characters along the way, such as the Cullen family. In the beginning of the book, they are very mysterious and keep to themselves to not reveal their secrets. Throughout the story, we get to know Edward Cullen even more to be mysterious and curious at the same time through him always wondering what Bella is thinking along with keeping to himself when around other people making him very mysterious to those around him. 

Readers learn many more things as they dig in more to the story of Twilight as it will always leave you wondering what is next? This is only 1 of 4 books though, so the story doesn’t end when we think it ends. Stephenie Meyers goes on to dig deeper into the connection between Edward and Bella along with bringing some new things out that might catch readers off guard at first. 

Twilight is a great choice if you are looking for something new to read through Meyer’s descriptive details and intriguing characters in a fantasized world. This book is sure to get you hooked on Bella and Edward’s crazy adventure and have you go on to read the following three books: New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. 

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