Lord of the Flies by William Golding | Teen Ink

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

February 28, 2019
By ethanmesner BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
ethanmesner BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lord of the flies, a novel written by William Golding, is considered to be a classic by many people. It was Golding’s first ever novel. This novel has sold over twenty-five million copies in English alone. It has been translated into multiple different languages. It has even gotten popular enough to get two movie remakes out of it,. oneOne in 1962 and the other in 1990.

This book is about a group of boys who survive a plane crash on an island in the middle of the ocean. The story takes place during an unspecified war. The only ones who survive this plane crash are a group of boys, all younger than teenagers, and none of them have any correlation to one another at all. These children will have to figure out how to survive in the wilderness and work together. One of the main characters, Ralph, becomes the chief because he seems like the ideal chief out of them. He will have to face many challenges as he tries to get workthings done and hold the tribe of children together.

Then there is Piggy who nobody will listen to and is trying to help everyone survive by telling them what will help them best,, and he will also have to deal with being bullied. Finally, there is Jack, a leader of a church choir of boys, and he is not completely happy that Ralph became the chief and him.

As the story goes on, the children will have to face the struggles of not having an adult to help them through these hard times. And they will have to try to get the attention of a passing boat or plane. They will have to learn new ways about how to survive by themselves and how to work together to stay alive. And they will have to face the problem of not going insane of this deserted island. But one of the final problems will be the beast,, or maybe even themselves.

Lord of the Flies teaches us that sometimes that we will have to survive on our own during hard times and that it is possible to do if we try. Even though all hope is lost we can still try and as long as we do not give up we can keep going on.

Overall, the book is very interesting and should appeal to most young adults. There is some action and it shows the different aspects of survival in the middle of nowhere and the tolls it can have on your mind. The book is a must read if you want a fast and exhilarating page turning book.


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