Observation | Teen Ink


December 10, 2018
By Anonymous

The writing titled “Observation,” written by Madeline Shea Boccome, talks about a guy observing a girl that he might like. Her writing left me feeling curious. I agree with the selection because its very relatable. I can relate to it because it’s a very relatable story, and the situation in describes probably happens daily. I can understand the story because I've been in the scenario a few times before, and I wouldn’t call the story a “issue” but I do see it everywhere at every age group because of the natural human instinct to communicate. This fictional story is written very well. It uses very specific details and explains things very nicely. The selection says, “She’ll be hunched over her work, in her jean jacket, or sweatshirt, or whatever she is wearing that day.” It is very specific, letting the reader know that the character pays very close attention. According to the author, “She’ll sigh tilt her head back, and look at me,” again being very specific. This is a very good selection/story, and it’s very clear and easy to understand.

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