The 5th wave | Teen Ink

The 5th wave

October 31, 2018
By Adrienneanderson BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Adrienneanderson BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What I liked about the book “the 5th wave” was the fact that even at the very beginning when the author, Rick Yancey, had started the book with Casey in the forest and her inner dialogue took over. Another thing I liked about the book in the beginning is how Casey had already suspected that the “others”, which are the aliens, looked human and how she explained that when you expect alien you think something that is unnatural and totally different in appearance than the average human. I especially like it when the author introduces the character Evan Walker into the book. Evan Walker was a clean example of Casey’s belief that the others walk the earth as what seems to be seen as human.

Another thing that I really loved was how Casey thought she was simply losing her reason of being human and how she very much looked at herself as alien sense she couldn’t recognize the person she was after the apocalypse started. For example, when she entered the convent store she goes to get fresh water and there was this man on the floor bleeding, but she didn’t know if he was human and actually needed help, or if he was one of the others trying to trick her into helping him. When she had shot and killed him she instantly wondered to herself what the old Casey, the Casey before the apocalypse started, would’ve thought of her now.

That is when she simply had the idea that in a way she wasn’t human anymore and the author supported this when he had introduced the moment when Casey said “How do you rid the earth of humans? Rid them off their humanity.” (Yancey 12). The character also demonstrated this when the book had also said "Maybe the last human being on earth won’t die of starvation or exposure or as a meal for wild animals

I recommend this book to the people who like science fiction and who are not afraid to expose themselves more to the possibilities and beliefs of aliens. I especially liked this book because it had showed me the idea that maybe other people from other planets are not the aliens.

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