Review of the Average School Desk | Teen Ink

Review of the Average School Desk

April 17, 2024
By maura04 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
maura04 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At some point in their educational career, every student must sit at a desk. For the most part, we don’t think too hard about these appliances. Any mild inconvenience or discomfort is usually looked over as just a part of the school day. Today, in the interest of education, I will be evaluating the average school desk, in which a student works. The first step to doing this is to question the purpose of a desk. In a school, a desk is a place where a student stores themselves and their belongings whilst they learn. There must be many of them, and they should be easily transportable. 

The first criterion that I will evaluate is the comfort of the desk. Comfort is extremely important to a student’s learning experience. If one feels uncomfortable, it may prove difficult to focus and absorb the class material. For comfort, I rate the desk a 2/10. The desk is downright painful and definitely disrupts the learning process.

The next area to be evaluated is storage. While this is not often thought about, having areas to store belongings in a desk saves classroom space and allows a student more resources in a closer proximity. For storage, I rate a 6/10. The desk has a good under area for larger belongings and a small area for pencils so they don’t roll off the desk. Both of these are underutilized by students, as very few actually even notice these utilities, and should be better taken advantage of.

Next, I will evaluate practicality. There are usually many students in a school, so desks must be purchased in bulk and be easily stored. For practical purposes, I rate the desk a 9/10. There are so many desks in this school, and I have never heard of a student not having a desk. They can be easily stacked to take up a minimal amount of space.

Next, I will rate mobility. Desks must be moved around a school and classroom, so being too heavy or bulky would impede their purpose. For mobility I rate a 7/10 as the desks are very lightweight, but would be better on wheels. 

The next criterion is durability. Desks must survive a long time of student’s abuse. For durability I rate a 10/10. These desks have survived so many kids and I applaud them.

Finally, I will rate the aesthetics of the desk. While it may seem frivolous, having nice looking furniture in a classroom would help students feel more comfortable learning. For aesthetics I rate a 0/10 because these desks are ugly and it is distracting. 

All in all, the final composite rating is a 6/10.

The author's comments:

I am a student and pay attention to furniture.

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