Why LeBron James is the G.O.A.T | Teen Ink

Why LeBron James is the G.O.A.T

March 5, 2019
By ripx BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
ripx BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Teen Ink

The writing titled “Why LeBron James is the G.O.A.T” by Kenneth Willy gives his opinion on who the greatest basketball player of all time is. His writing left me in disagreement. I’m not mad, but I disagree. The author brought up many good points, but I don’t think they solidify LeBron James’ place as the greatest player of all time. I think LeBron is a great player, but I don’t think he is better than Jordan. The first argument is that “LeBron has made it to the finals more than Jordan.” Although this is true Jordan has won more championships than LeBron. Even though LeBron made it to the finals many times he still lost the majority of them. Jordan has never lost in the finals. The author also brings up the point that, “LeBron averages more rebounds.” The position that LeBron plays allows him to get more rebounds, so obviously LeBron will have more rebounds than Jordan. The last point the author brings up is that LeBron has a better shooting percentage. Many of LeBron’s shot are close to the basket, while Jordan’s shots are typically father away and more difficult. The argument that LeBron has a better shooting percentage than Jordan is flawed, because there are many players with way better shot percentages than both those players that have no business being in the greatest of all time discussion. The writer brought up many good points, but I’m still not convinced that LeBron is the G.O.A.T.

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