My Dear Grandmother | Teen Ink

My Dear Grandmother

May 26, 2016
By Rubydarksoul BRONZE, Salt Lake City, Utah
Rubydarksoul BRONZE, Salt Lake City, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Anything is Possible

There is one person so whise and strong,

This one person lived so long.

Her hair so white like shining snow,

Her heart so big her love would show.


Her smile so bright, it outshines the sun,

Her laugh so happy, my heart does run.

She beleived in god, she always had,

but now shes gone and I am sad.


I loved her dear, I loved her so,

But i hid it deep, I dare not show.

I was too scared, I was so wrong,

I should have showed her but now shes gone.


I miss her here, I miss her there,

This pain I hold is too much to bare.

But Dear Grandmother I will do this,

I'll hide this pain, for you I'll miss.


I can hear you now, telling me not to cry,

But I can't do it ganmother, I must not lie.

I can't hide my pain anymore, I will do it no longer,

For dont you see, my pain just gets stronger.


I cry each day, I cry each night,

I pray the lord to shine your light.

This pain I have is like no other,

For I miss you so much, My Dear Grandmother.


You always loved the mexican food we make,

You'll smile and eat as much as you can take.

I'll tell you this grandmother, I will not lie,

I can't promice you that I wont cry.


I promised to be happy, just like you wanted me to be,

But I can't lie to you grandmother, its just not me.

I'll love you so, I'll love you dear,

And I will promise you this, I'll try to face my fear.


You gave me a scarf, so colorful and warm,

You told me to wear it on cold chilly storms.

Well look grandmother I have it here.

I'll always have it, I'll cherish it dear.


I gave you a scarf too, white as snow,

You loved it dear, this I know.

I'm glad you loved it like not other,

And I'll always love you, My Dear Grandmother.


I bet you can see me,

I bet you know.

Why i hide it,

Why i dare not show.


Now you see that this pain hurts,

And the number of tear stains on my shirt.

Holding in my pain, to never let others see,

Because I never wanted you to see how much it pained me.


But dont worry grandmother, I'll try once more,

I'll keep going, I'll find my door.

Because I'm doing this for you, my second mother,

I'll smile for you My Dear Grandmother


I know your there, in my heart,

I know you'll stay and never part.

I know you love me,

I know your free.


I won't deny that I will miss you,

I'm in pain and that is true.

But we are here, my family and I,

To say we love you, and goodbye.


But dear grandmother here I'll dote,

And before you leave, hear this poem I wrote.

You my angel from above,

Any My Dear Grandmother, the one I love.

The author's comments:

This poem is is for my granmother, the one i didnt know very well.

And I guess it true waht they say " you get to know the person more when they are gone yet it hurts more knowing you didnt get the chance to know them when they were alive."


Grandmother I love you.

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