The Reaper's Scyhte | Teen Ink

The Reaper's Scyhte

May 18, 2016
By mharrington90 BRONZE, Glenmoore, Pennsylvania
mharrington90 BRONZE, Glenmoore, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A flower blossoms during springtime’s morn.
The vision blinding, stunning iris bloom -
unmoving, never wayward, always dorned.
This bloom unmatched attraction will bring spume

and they rejoice having a great old time,
None have found any light ‘gone away.
The reaper watches her, infectious slime -
bent on killing and envious of they ,

But shine o’comes his harmful deadly hand;
The brightness of youth shields them from the spree.
Cherub of death has since now lost command,
A world now rid of one horrid banshee.

All people free until it is their time,
and reaper cannot pull off with his crime.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for my freshman literature class. My teacher thought i should put it on, so I said why not. I hope you get something out of it, whatever it may be. Because while you may think that you are invincible, the reaper sits waiting until the time is right. 

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