Sun and Moon | Teen Ink

Sun and Moon

April 7, 2015
By Earthquack BRONZE, San Diego, California
Earthquack BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Your safety is key
As I die each and every night.
Your acts fill me with glee
Each night, as I shine my light.
You move one’s heart
Like you move the ocean.
Your gracefulness is your art:
True to your own devotion.
Rays of glory shine from you
Mine aren’t as extravagant.
Your mirth and spirit show through and through
You shine at your special talent.
We love each other, but we must wreathe
Around Earth; one must die, one must breathe.

The author's comments:

This is actually inspired by TSFH's "Sun and Moon".

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