Ashes | Teen Ink


September 17, 2014
By BrynnaW. GOLD, Alta Loma, California
BrynnaW. GOLD, Alta Loma, California
12 articles 4 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart."- William Wordsworth
"Writing is thinking on paper."- William Zinsser

Oh, see ashes, ashes we all fall down,
Those saddened tears dripping from toe to crown,
A heart of magnificent dreams we seek,
The danger of giving up, makes us weak.

So we slowly ring around the rosie,
With our pockets full of deadly posies,
Our hearts are now filled with spitting fire,
In these times, death is what we desire.

Watery tears stream down our blackened cheeks,
But, somewhere, somehow, faint laughter does leak,
Bitterness is our great passion in life,
It strikes through our hearts like a poisoned knife.

Oh, ashes, ashes they rain all around,
For our world is destroyed without a sound.

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