Thunderstorm | Teen Ink


January 15, 2012
By Blanchemelech SILVER, Scottdale, Pennsylvania
Blanchemelech SILVER, Scottdale, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Sometimes you can't move forward until you turn around.

The drums roll with roaring madness.
In the ears of many, it claps with might.
Animals hide, overcome with fear and sadness.
They cannot escape their feelings of fright.

I see the blinding, bright light flash.
Electric is the stormy sea.
Before my eyes, multiple pale streaks crash.
I take shelter away from the trees.

In the maelstrom, the hillside drowns.
With anger and misery, the skies weep.
In its dangerous wake, the fire mountain frowns,
submitting to an unyielding sleep.

And I close my eyes eternal
As the land becomes infernal.

The author's comments:
This is just a poem I had to write for English class last year. I entered it in a contest, but I didn't win.

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