Love Sleeps | Teen Ink

Love Sleeps

May 12, 2011
By emmkay BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
emmkay BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tired now, sleep devours my hot eyes.
Awake, it hurts. I feel not much- I float.
I drift through all gray sorts of burning skies.
Waters part for my melancholy boat.
I do this then again push on, forwards,
fatigue and apathy devils that creep.
But where do I go now sailing towards?
Besides the next marvelous time to sleep.

But for that space that disappears between
The two of us together you and I,
we make this life meaningful, love is seen.
You give me reason to go on, to try.
Find me in this, this life a moving sea.
Let us show them that finding care is key.

The author's comments:
I wrote this sonnet about how stressful life can be, when sleep becomes one's only care and thought. I wrote about how when you find something more important than everything past, it makes life worth living, not just going through.

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