Teenage Dreams | Teen Ink

Teenage Dreams

February 25, 2019
By reaganreed BRONZE, Glendale, Kentucky
reaganreed BRONZE, Glendale, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The overwhelming feeling of freedom,

it fills you with adrenaline and pure joy.

You feel the need to be wild and be dumb.

You’re now a free woman, a redeemed boy.

Run a marathon, climb Mount Everest,

these are all on my horizon, I’m free!

These opportunities are rare, I’m blessed!          

I don’t want this to end, I’ll beg, I’ll plea.

No parents or worries to hold you down,

only an open road and a long ride.

There goes my fear and temptation to frown.

I’m using my heart and soul as a guide.

Who knows where life will take any of us?    It doesn’t matter, we just want a rush.

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