Kneel Down and Pray | Teen Ink

Kneel Down and Pray

May 3, 2014
By LaurenLeMay2000 BRONZE, Seymour, Wisconsin
LaurenLeMay2000 BRONZE, Seymour, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Kneel Down and Pray
( Ya, This one goes out to our Lord)
I have cried a million times,
I got hurt a million times,
I fell a million times,
I bottled things up inside a million times,
But I still managed to put on a fake smile and pretend that I was okay,
When I really wasn’t but I didn’t want others to know that I really wasn’t okay,
But one day I exploded and finally broke down,
I destroyed things,
I smashed things,
I threw things,
I screamed out,
I cried out,
I prayed out,
For God to take away my pain,
And for him to end my life,
But then it hit me like a lightning bolt,
I felt God’s power go through my veins and soul,
I felt like I could do anything,
I could fly into the sky,
All of sudden I was on top of the world,
I found my way again with our Gods help this time
If you feel like giving up,
Kneel down,
Close your eyes,
And put your hands together,
Then ask God for his help and strength,
So you can find your way again but with God’s help and strength this time,
You soon will feel his strength go through your veins
If you feel like giving up,
Kneel down,
Close your eyes,
And put your hands together,
Then ask God for his help and strength,
So you can find your way again but with God’s help and strength this time,
You soon will feel his strength go through your veins,
If you feel like giving up,
Kneel down,
Close your eyes,
And put your hands together,
Then ask God for his help and strength,
So you can find your way again but with God’s help and strength this time,
You soon will feel his strength go through your veins,
(So please don’t give up and believe in the Lord)

The author's comments:
This song is about apart of my life but it is also about what to do when people feel like giving up. And this dedicated to God and to my dog Lilly who passed away on June 25th 2013.

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