Spinning | Teen Ink


September 2, 2009
By wordweaver96 PLATINUM, Winchester, Kentucky
wordweaver96 PLATINUM, Winchester, Kentucky
37 articles 2 photos 254 comments

Favorite Quote:
" It is not our abilities but our choices that show who we truly are. "
Albus Dumbledore

See, we really DON'T have anything to fear but fear itself!

O – Oh I'm
Spinning, Spinning, Spinning
My head
Is reeling

Ever since I saw your face
My life has been
Of grace

Everything you do
Every step you take
Shapes me
Molds Me
Perfects Me

O - Oh
So now I'm
Spinning, spinning, spinning
My head is reeling
O - Oh
Can't describe this feeling
You're Oh You're
So wonderful

And now......

I'm Spinning
My head
My head is

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This article has 9 comments.

on May. 9 2010 at 7:52 am
wordweaver96 PLATINUM, Winchester, Kentucky
37 articles 2 photos 254 comments

Favorite Quote:
" It is not our abilities but our choices that show who we truly are. "
Albus Dumbledore

See, we really DON'T have anything to fear but fear itself!


on May. 8 2010 at 9:10 pm
AubreyTRieder PLATINUM, Clark, New Jersey
29 articles 0 photos 84 comments

to ur 1st comment -- i know what u mean ill come up w/ something rly good and i always forget it lol!

to ur 2nd comment -- thanks! and that's a good idea! ill look @ urs and read/rate them! :D

on May. 8 2010 at 12:04 pm
wordweaver96 PLATINUM, Winchester, Kentucky
37 articles 2 photos 254 comments

Favorite Quote:
" It is not our abilities but our choices that show who we truly are. "
Albus Dumbledore

See, we really DON'T have anything to fear but fear itself!

I've read your pieces and they rock! We should vote for each other's stuff and maybe they'll be popular on the site!

on May. 8 2010 at 12:02 pm
wordweaver96 PLATINUM, Winchester, Kentucky
37 articles 2 photos 254 comments

Favorite Quote:
" It is not our abilities but our choices that show who we truly are. "
Albus Dumbledore

See, we really DON'T have anything to fear but fear itself!

Thanks! It's one of the first song-ish poems I've written (I've done some before but I didn't write them down so I forgot them!

on May. 8 2010 at 12:00 pm
AubreyTRieder PLATINUM, Clark, New Jersey
29 articles 0 photos 84 comments
Yeaaa I rly do I think its amazing!!!

on May. 8 2010 at 11:38 am
wordweaver96 PLATINUM, Winchester, Kentucky
37 articles 2 photos 254 comments

Favorite Quote:
" It is not our abilities but our choices that show who we truly are. "
Albus Dumbledore

See, we really DON'T have anything to fear but fear itself!

Thanks :D You really think so?

on May. 8 2010 at 11:29 am
perfected_11 SILVER, Cheverly, Maryland
5 articles 0 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Negative thinking limits gods possibilities for us and for others."
-Craig L

Lovin these lyrics!!!!!!

on Sep. 19 2009 at 4:00 pm
wordweaver96 PLATINUM, Winchester, Kentucky
37 articles 2 photos 254 comments

Favorite Quote:
" It is not our abilities but our choices that show who we truly are. "
Albus Dumbledore

See, we really DON'T have anything to fear but fear itself!

hahahahahahahahahahaha! thanks!

on Sep. 19 2009 at 3:34 pm
AubreyTRieder PLATINUM, Clark, New Jersey
29 articles 0 photos 84 comments