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October 19, 2013
By SILVER, Newburgh, New York SILVER, Newburgh, New York
7 articles 0 photos 29 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13

"Perspective is a lovely hand to hold." -Matthew Thiessen

I fell through the sky
with the heavy wings of lies
The wings I believed in,
they let me down
The truth I found out
arrived when I was halfway down

Oh, then the page turned
Suddenly, I was safer
than I'd ever been before
Standing on words of grace,
this new chapter's embrace
took the lies away,
wrote the lies away

I rose up again
Still broken and bent
But wings of truth have come,
I'm in the healing
I'll be better soon
Yeah, I'll be better soon
So, if I think of back then
I'll remember how it happened...


I can't say I'm not scared
cause' I'm built with fears
But it's alright now
I'm okay somehow
My life is a mystery
But it's better than the broken dream
it was then


If I fall through the sky
I'll fall without the lies (x2)

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