Right | Teen Ink


May 12, 2013
By sarahcarp63 DIAMOND, Denver, Colorado
sarahcarp63 DIAMOND, Denver, Colorado
51 articles 2 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
'The really important people in life have a way of coming back to you'
'Good enough isn't good enough'
'You don't have to be sick to get better'
'Come what may and love it'

You stand so tall, like a giant
Towering over all, looking down
And I fall, no more smiling
Cause I'm small, I don't know how
To make it stop, make the pain stop
Now everyone sees my flaws

I'm so insecure, like a little girl
Go and tell the world I'm afraid

What gives you the right?
To push me down, scrape my knee on the ground
Point out what I already know
I'm no good at love
I see my failure, loud and clear
you only fuel the fear
That I'll end up alone
I'll give up the battle I never wanted to fight
Cause you know you're right
What gives you the right?

You're so cool, like an ice cube
The crown jewel, the number one and
I play the fool, I can't start new
It's so cruel, no shelter to run to
I want it to stop, want all the pain to stop
Now everyone sees my flaws

I'm so insecure, like a little girl
Go and tell the world I'm afraid

What gives you the right?
To push me down, scrape my knee on the ground
Point out what I already know
I'm no good at love
I see my failure, loud and clear
you only fuel the fear
That I'll end up alone
I'll give up the battle I never wanted to fight
Cause you know you're right
What gives you the right?

You stand so tall, like a giant
But David beat Goliath
I will not fall anymore
Cause its my heart not yours
You have no right

I'm so insecure, like a little girl
Go and tell the world I'm afraid
What gives you the right?

To push me down, scrape my knee on the ground
Point out what I already know
I'm no good at love
I see my failure, loud and clear
you only fuel the fear
That I'll end up alone
I'll give up the battle I never wanted to fight
Cause you know you're right
What gives you the right?

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