Kiss Me | Teen Ink

Kiss Me

January 19, 2010
By AveryG13 GOLD, Dexter, Michigan
AveryG13 GOLD, Dexter, Michigan
12 articles 1 photo 92 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The best thing to do with the best things in life, is to give them up to those who have nothing."
- Ambrose Bierce

Sha lala lala (3x)

When I left I asked you to look after my heart
Because I was going to leave it with you
Then we shared our first kiss
And that night, I cried my eyes out missing you
Now you’ve torn my heart apart and I’ve lost all faith and trust in you
Of course, we still keep in touch
We email and I call
But there’s always an empty space in my heart
That you will never be able to replace

I hope you’ve moved on
Because I hate to think you’re wasting your time
With the girl you once said you loved
I hope I’ll forget
The feeling of you; the thought of us
But I’ll never forget our last kiss
When I asked you to kiss me and you did
Our first and last kiss

All my friends tell me that I need to move on
That you don’t know what you’re losing
They want me to forget you and forget us
But knowing that you still have my heart
And even though I know we’re apart
I just can’t bring myself to forget you
But there’s always an empty space in my heart
That no one will ever be able to replace


Oh, won’t you kiss me
Why don’t you miss me
Please just kiss me
Make reality go away


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