The Lush Of Summer Siesta | Teen Ink

The Lush Of Summer Siesta

June 30, 2024
By Anonymous

A butterfly flits, a gentle touch,

Ricochetting softly a tender clutch,

The sun binds her in its warm embrace,

As laughter paints her tranquil face.

A delicate gust, a sweet refrain,

To savour summer’s luscious domain,

Slices of watermelon, chilled and bright,

Mangoes dripping nectar,a pure delight.

Under the shelter of the familiar eaves,

Nature’s lullaby, soft and sweet,

She fades into a dream, in turbulence's sway,

In her summer siesta's tranquil array.

The siesta envelopes her in calm repose,

Where time slows down and softly flows,

Nestled in the embrace of her peaceful abode,

Her soul unveils solace, her spirit breathes.

In summer's essence, placidity finds a room,

The warmth of the day, the evening’s bloom,

Each restful sigh, by its grace enhanced,

As gentle clouds overhead, in peace, danced.

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