little white lies | Teen Ink

little white lies

September 16, 2021
By pxnkii SILVER, Palo Alto, California
pxnkii SILVER, Palo Alto, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"though she be but little, she be fierce" - midsummer nights dream

only took you a moment 

to ruin my life

it took me a second 

to realize 

what happened 

what we became 

and how to live 

the rest of my days 


my porcelain heart 

tear stained glass face and 

inside of my chest

is so close to breaking 


i’m missing the ex that i never dated 

my mind is messed up my memories fading 

on nights when it’s too hard to be all alone 

i can remember the smell of your cologne 

but when i close my eyes 

i still can hear all your expanding 


love chasing 

little white lies 


it’s more than just temporary crush 

i think i might be falling in love 

but im not spiraling 

waiting for you to come around 

im plummeting 

this heartbreaks a straight drop down 


my porcelain heart 

tear stained glass face and 

inside of my chest

is starting to break 


i’m missing the ex that i never dated 

my mind is messed up my memories fading 

on nights when it’s too hard to be all alone 

i can remember the smell of your cologne 

but when i close my eyes 

i still can hear all your expanding 


love chasing 

little white lies 


oh my porcelain heart 

in your hands 

held me too tight 

now i cant stand 

on my own 

how am i supposed to be alone 

when i still can hear all your expanding 


heart breaking

little white lies 

The author's comments:

idek what any of my songs r about 

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