The Sirens | Teen Ink

The Sirens

June 25, 2018
By m0202 BRONZE, Bedford, Massachusetts
m0202 BRONZE, Bedford, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

The sirens, the sirens, the sirens

How lovely is their song

The sirens, the sirens, the sirens,

Their pitch is never wrong


The sirens, the sirens, the sirens

A song of love for the rich man

The sirens, the sirens, the sirens

A song of wealth for the lonely woman


The sirens, the sirens, the sirens

A song of joy for the girl with long sleeves

The sirens, the sirens, the sirens

A song of peace for the boy who bleeds


The sirens, the sirens, the sirens

Swim over to their beach

The sirens, the sirens, the sirens

You’re almost in their reach


The sirens, the sirens, the sirens

But their lyrics are not true

The sirens, the sirens, the sirens

And now they have caught you

The author's comments:

Greek mythology is terrifyingly fascinating. Here's a little rhyme about the Sirens. 

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