Highschool | Teen Ink


October 24, 2016
By Anonymous

High School is a requirement
Everyone has to do
Not everybody likes it
But some are just a shoe (in)
Some people will love high school
Some others will not
Some still will just get through it
Not having fun, not in a rut
High school can turn out to be
Whatever you want to make it
You can have no clue what you’re doing
Or fake it ‘till you make it
As you go throughout this requirement,
You’ll learn there’s ways to do it
You choose your path, build your reputation
Make some friends, have times of elation

High School can be a bad time
Or you can have some fun
It’s all in how you see it
Just because you need it
Doesn’t mean you have to hate it

High School builds foundation
Gives you snippets of real world
It’s trying to get you ready
For when what lies ahead unfurls

High school makes you friends
It’s a big time of change
You lose old friends,
You get new ones,
But you might get shortchanged

High School is for judging
People can be so mean
But some call it experience
As the real world is just the same

High School is for learning
It’s just the main idea
Everything is important
But stick to your ideals

High School is for trying
From dates to roller skates
To cookie bakes to clubs you might hate
To trying to get away with incomplete homework
Forgetfulness, late nights, finals, SATs, ACTs, ETCs,
Getting ready to go to college,
Writing applications,
Getting jobs, making money
Drivers training, taking care of a bunny
Any number of things you can do during school,
So much on your plate sometimes from exhaustion, you might faint.
But regretting is the worst thing
You can get out of school
So just try things while you can
Join robotics, use a power tool

High School is almost over
Ends where it began
It is almost a circle
Start at the bottom, end up top
Whether you go off to college
Or settle and get a job
You’re down at the bottom again
Dregs of the barrel, only one person in the mob
But wherever you decide
To restart, begin again
Realize life’s too short to not enjoy,
So enjoy it while you can.

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