Childhood Dreams | Teen Ink

Childhood Dreams

October 19, 2009
By MissLeaDee SILVER, Guttenberg, Iowa
MissLeaDee SILVER, Guttenberg, Iowa
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'd been wondering all this time, whether there's any meaning to a failed love. Is it something that will disappear the same as something that never existed. Now I know, there is meaning..there was a meaning...right here." – Takemoto [Honey and Clover]

There's a little yellow house
at the end of the road
that holds my childhood dreams.
A midnight cat, a first bike ride,
and my very first memories.

There's a little brown apartment
on the borders of town
that holds my childhood dreams.
Picking dandelions, moving trucks,
and kindergarten screams.

There's a little blue apartment
a few blocks down
that holds my childhood dreams.
A leaking air conditioner, tasmanian devil,
and broken screens.

There's a little white house
in the middle of town
that holds my childhood dreams.
My very own room, Brittany Spears
and a big apple tree.

There's a little blue house
built right into a hill
that holds my childhood dreams.
A lifelong change, court dates,
and homemade green beans.

There's a little white apartment
above the laundry mat
that holds my childhood dreams.
Friday night movies, narrow twin beds,
and an all girl team.

There's a little white apartment
two doors down
that hold my childhood dreams.
A staircase, melted popsicles,
and a birthday party scene.

There's a little white house
on fifth street
that holds my childhood dreams.
Furry new friends, a yellow bus,
and preteen schemes.

There's a little blue house
just outside of town
that holds my childhood dreams.
A first tree house, a new sister,
and running through the stream.

There's a little yellow house
right on the highway
that holds my childhood dreams.
A drink, a smoke,
and dreams turned into screams.

There's a little place called home
that stretches across a state
that holds my childhood dreams.
The good, the bad,
and everything in between.

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This article has 4 comments.

chelsey said...
on Nov. 13 2011 at 6:36 pm
I loved this I could really imagine it

on Sep. 20 2010 at 4:45 pm
CammyLashay SILVER, Java, Virginia
9 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
Failure is not for me.

I could really picture this

on Jul. 7 2010 at 12:50 pm
Kael96 PLATINUM, Shiloh, New Jersey
32 articles 0 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just a small town girl/ living in a lonely world/ took a midnight train/ going anywhere."

Oh my goodness, this was incredible. I loved the continuous patterns and the use of imagery. Keep it up! I'll look for other works of yours in the future!

k.james SILVER said...
on May. 11 2010 at 3:39 pm
k.james SILVER, Whitby, Other
5 articles 0 photos 110 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love without action is meaningless, action without love is irrelevant." -Deepak Chopra

Simply gorgeous peice :) I love this so much. You're such an amazing writer, please keep writing and comment on some of my stuff cause I would love the feedback (espaicially yours).