Limericks of Eden | Teen Ink

Limericks of Eden

March 24, 2014
By Jamescrotty11 BRONZE, Oakville, Other
Jamescrotty11 BRONZE, Oakville, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a man who wrote poems.
In the Gardens of Eden he roams,
spending his time
searching for rhymes,
so one day he might get to go home.

There once was a man who wrote poems
in the Gardens of Eden alone.
spending his days
soaked in the suns rays,
wishing one day he’d get to go home.

There once was a woman who’d known
about a man who couldn't get home
so she packed up her bags
and walked down the main drag
to the Gardens of Eden alone.

There once was a woman who’d known
if she’d trek through the gardens alone
she would find the young man
as she was a huge fan
maybe he would help edit her poems

There once was a man who wrote poems
a woman, through the gardens she roamed
when one day she stepped
and up the man leapt
and he let out a long aching groan

There once was a man, no longer alone
and the woman with edited poems
they lived happy forever
they left each other never
and they called the gardens their home.

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