Band kid, Normal kid | Teen Ink

Band kid, Normal kid

December 12, 2017
By Anonymous

Band Kid, Normal Kid,
From playing beautiful music,
To a world of football players and cheerleaders,
From sitting with the band at football games,
To telling people how “fun” the student section was,
Going from music lessons,
To parties with friends,
Proud of what I play,
But hide it just as much,
Different from most band kids but not the same as a normal one,
Viewed by band kids as an outsider,
But viewed by normal kids as a nerd,
A glimpse of both worlds,
Not as great as it seems,
Trying to find my place,
But I’m left without a home,
A smile always on my face,
Pretending I know where to go,
I hide how it feels,
To be judged all the time,
Hoping one day,
I’ll be a part of both homes.

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