Midnight Moon | Teen Ink

Midnight Moon

June 19, 2016
By Rose472 BRONZE, Waianae, Hawaii
Rose472 BRONZE, Waianae, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Night is where beauty most blooms. When peace comes down upon the earth and everyone is in a deep slumber you hear the music that has been serenading us from the beginning. The birds sing their symphony as the trees sway in the air and the grasshoppers play their little melody.

Only when you stay up from dusk til dawn will you hear and see the true beauty. We are often blind to the beauty that is placed right in fronty of our eyes. Most of the time that the world is empty when it pulls down its dark shade. even in the darkest places you will find something truly amazing occuring underneath the moonlight.

It's what guides us when we are blinded by everything else.

that is what makes the midnight moon so special.

Things may seem small and insignificant in the brightness, but only when you take a look into the darkness of the night will you understand how every single detail of the beautiful night sky and what it consumes ties up to make the world into what it is.  

The author's comments:

This is how i felt.

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