Cycling for Poetry | Teen Ink

Cycling for Poetry

April 15, 2016
By Wcfruehauf BRONZE, Lewes, Delaware
Wcfruehauf BRONZE, Lewes, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From dawn to dusk,
city's flourish with life,
as extravagant aroma's occupy the streets,
fueling the hard at work,
for a plentiful reward,
that is more fulfilling than pieces of paper,
more often than not hope is lost.

From dusk to dawn,
Street lights full bloom,
drawn to life by the withdrawal of sun,
insomniacs roam the streets,
in search of relief,
and with the darkness,
comes a life,
that guides the broken,
to inspiration,
and with this,
the cycle starts again,
with the young yet so old rising sun.

The author's comments:

I find the idea of inspiration to be immaculate. I attempt to find new and unique ways to discover my own through out my everyday life.

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