But Still I Will Seek For You | Teen Ink

But Still I Will Seek For You

February 18, 2016
By Chaosdiamoons GOLD, Brookwood, Alabama
Chaosdiamoons GOLD, Brookwood, Alabama
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every sixty seconds you spend upset, is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. - Andy Biersack

I could have sworn
That I saw you in my dreams 
You were sitting there quietly
Then you disappeared oh so suddenly
From the moment I woke up I knew that
I had to search for you

I know that you aren’t just imaginary
I know I saw you in the past before
It won’t be easy
But still I will seek for you

When I arrived here
I had to start my mission
I climbed on the highest mountain
I crawled in the lowest valley
But still I will seek for you

Now that I done all that I could do
And I could not find you
But still I will seek for you

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