Fearless | Teen Ink


February 9, 2016
By Breemarie16 GOLD, Middleburgh, New York
Breemarie16 GOLD, Middleburgh, New York
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Heavy eyelids droop,
Walking pasted the walls looking right through the mirror,
Stands a girl who is strong with her eyes filled with fire,
Fearing our future dying out of strong desire,
I had no clue.
I fall deep asleep,
Its strange how life can be more than a tale,
The love for you was plain amidst to the hail,
I kept on asking you why you would let our love fail,
Lies filled my lies.
Your mind is lost when your love will not stay,
And all you do is wipe your tears away each day,
Everyone saw the pain I had,
People thought I was the one, who did the crime,
Feelings started to fade over time,
Now I realized you’re not worth a dime.
Start to close your eyes,
It was the time to walk away from the pain we had,
Feeling the best I ever had, not feeling sad.
Moving on was the best even though I was mad,
I’m not afraid.

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