New Year | Teen Ink

New Year

December 16, 2015
By Prabbit1999 BRONZE, Walkerville, Michigan
Prabbit1999 BRONZE, Walkerville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Most Improved Player, now watch me turn the I to a V." -Big Sean

They say they’re hungry,
well so are we.
The opportunity is there,
and ambition is key.

We are the Wildcats.
History says we will fail.
But we aren’t the same,
we will prevail.

Belief was absent, but that’s no more.
The streak was before us, 116*.
41 more losses than the record before.
5 years straight, but that wasn’t this team.

We ended the streak, they all witnessed.
LIke a phoenix we rose from ashes,
bringing more life as we were reborn.
Seeking revenge on those who bashed us.

We are new Wildcats, leaving new tracks,
shouting out revitalized roars.
We aim to bring pride back,
and to close those losing doors.

This is the year,
we know it in our hearts.
We are the team,
Nobody will tear us apart.


*116 is the number of losses in Walkerville High’s boys basketball losing streak; longest in MHSAA history.

The author's comments:

My schools losing streak in basketball, and the fact that I was part of the team that broke that streak inspired me to write this piece.

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