Odysseus overcomes challenges created by his arrogance | Teen Ink

Odysseus overcomes challenges created by his arrogance

November 30, 2015
By FishRisch GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
FishRisch GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hidden in the belly of a wooden horse,
Odysseus and the Greeks destroyed the city of Troy.
The men of Greece hid in a massive horse presented as a gift to the people of Troy.
Troy took the horse inside the city and the Greeks came out at night to destroy the city.
The idea of the wooden horse given to Odysseus by Poseidon,
But Odysseus accepted the credit…

In a fit of rage, Poseidon cursed Odysseus’s travels as he returned to Ithaca
from then on, Odysseus would have no Gods helping him
Odysseus -- the “hero” of the decade long Trojan War;
he from then on made his own luck..

Odysseus's men were rested, strong, and full of Trojan food
They set sail.
Storms cast the men to Cicones
where a one-eyed beast feasted on the blood of men.
Odysseus and his men blinded the beast
and escaped the grasp of the Cyclopes...

Odysseus fled the island unharmed to encounter danger in the coming years.
Odysseus spent another decade fighting to return to his home.
He fought to return to his wife Penelope,
Only to return to find his house full of men fighting for the hand of his wife
Odysseus defied the odds again and shot an arrow through 12 gold rings
earning his wife and son back.
Homer put down his quill, capped his jar of ink, and closed the book he had finished…

The Iliad.

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