I am Home | Teen Ink

I am Home

March 26, 2015
By TatumC BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
TatumC BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments


As the bright sun pours through my window,

My eyes flutter open to view the beautiful rays illuminating the room,

Slowly, I rise and stroll towards it,

As I open the window, the salty ocean air hits my nose,

I know that I am home

I slip into my beach attire and throw on my flip-flops,

My hair goes up and I grab my sunglasses,

Before I know it the sun is shining on me and I am walking,

Walking to my favorite place,

The place I call home

As my feet hit the hot sand I begin to look around,

There’s the lifeguard twirling his whistle ‘round his finger,

The waves crashing on the shore,

The children building sandcastles,

And the beautiful sparkling water,

I know that I am home

As I place down my towel a sand crab crawls by,

I smile as I lay down and feel the warmth on my skin,

I think about how long it has been since I was here,

My eyes begin to close as I lie in the sand at my favorite place,

The place I call home.

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