On Being Asked Why I'm Such A Nerd | Teen Ink

On Being Asked Why I'm Such A Nerd

March 5, 2015
By Jessica Agbemavor BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
Jessica Agbemavor BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I say it’s my personality.
I say it’s the way God wanted me to be.
I say I can’t help it.
Their uninviting eyes follow me.
I walk in with my Dora backpack
And my snaggle-toothed smile, hoping to make some friends.
But though their eyes spot me, I am invisible.
I say I love to learn.
I swing slowly on the swings, watching the other kids hover around
the beautiful, brunette girl as if she is God in the flesh.
I cautiously make my way to her and her entourage,
practically jumping up and down for her attention
but though she lays her eyes on me, I am invisible.
I say I was never meant to be like her.
I was never meant to be the popular girl.
I say I’m a nerd, it’s the way God wanted me to be.

The author's comments:

My creative writing teacher told the class to write an " On Being Asked" poem, and since I have had issues with bullying and friendship in the past, I was inspired to write about the time I was referred to as a nerd and how I learned to embrace it.

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