Tybee Island | Teen Ink

Tybee Island

December 12, 2014
By Donald Pham BRONZE, Tucker, Georgia
Donald Pham BRONZE, Tucker, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Soft cool sand hugging my feet
Sun kissing me with its warm rays of light
Children cheerfully laughing as they play in the shell littered sand.
Does anyone else enjoy the sand as much as I do?

Greenish-blue waves crashing against the shore
Light shimmering off the beautiful ocean water
Ocean waves swooshing and swashing
How is this place so beautiful?

Amazing scenery leaving me speechless and struck with awe, making me forget my surroundings
The sun, sky, ocean, and sand working in perfect harmony to create Tybee Island
Dolphins chittering and chattering as they swim through the big blue
Can we stay here forever?
Tybee Island overwhelms me with peace and washes all my stress away.


The author's comments:

We went to Tybee Island for an 8th grade field trip and these are my thoughts and feelings.

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