Words | Teen Ink


October 30, 2014
By Andrey Fairbairn BRONZE, Willingboro, New Jersey
Andrey Fairbairn BRONZE, Willingboro, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Human beings created words, but what makes a word so powerful?
Why can a single word change our opinion, can a single word warp our views?
Why can we feel a word?
The joy of “yes”, the sting of “no”
A sense of duty from “stop” and “go”


Why do we use words to judge?
Why are they hurtful to the ears?
“ugly” “hate” and “worthless” too
All these do is bring tears


Why do we need words to build our esteem,
To make us feel like we belong?
Word's like “group” “team” and “friend”
Meaning lost, significance gone


Why do we let the words of others define us?
Can their words portray our hearts and souls?
“weak” ”dumb” “wrong” or “bad”
These words destroy our goals


Uplifting words obscured today
“beautiful” “excellent” and “pray”
Words that can help the human mind
These words are, oh, so hard to find


“Artificial” describes today
Leaving meaning out,we search for “value” more
But who can put a value on what yo have to say
Words themselves are the mind's door

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