Confusion of the Heart | Teen Ink

Confusion of the Heart

October 27, 2014
By emarusy12 BRONZE, Boulder Creek, California
emarusy12 BRONZE, Boulder Creek, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I just get confused
I hear you are moving on
And that you have found another girl who you like to be with
But then you tell me you “miss me, too”
And send me pictures of yourself for no apparent reason

My heart is just confused
How can it move on if it is not sure it should?
How can it know how your heart feels
If it sends mixed signals?
What if our hearts are meant to stay connected?
What if you love me?

You’re probably confused
You know that I am still in love with you
But that we are not held together by the title of “boyfriend and girlfriend”
You probably feel that you should move on
But you want to keep me around in case you change your mind

I don’t know if we can be friends
I don’t know if my heart can learn to like you that way after so many years of
And crazy love

I don’t know anything about what you are feeling anymore
And it is KILLING me
I want you
I need you
I love you
But I can’t tell you any of it for fear of losing the last piece of you that I have

I hate looking at that picture you posted with that beautiful girl
But I can’t stop
I hate thinking about how she gets to hold you and talk to you and be with you
And I hate worrying about whether or not she has stolen your heart
I hate this pain that starts in my heart and expands all the way down to my toes
And the ache in my eyes because they want to cry
I hate not knowing what you want from me, or if you want anything at all

I don’t know how to let you go and I don’t know if I should

Maybe I’ll never know.

The author's comments:

I was in a long-term relationship with this one boy and we decided to break up before college. Within a month, he had moved on and I was left confused and hurt.

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