My pain | Teen Ink

My pain

October 15, 2014
By Grace Johannes BRONZE, Burlington, New Jersey
Grace Johannes BRONZE, Burlington, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The pain is unbearable
Unbearable to feel
I don't want to even share
How hard it was to heal
Heal from something that’s hard to recover from
It sure wasn't fun

I got through it though
Now I'm very strong
Every time I struggle, I meditate to my favorite song
I can't wait to share my story
Help others recover too
I know someone will look up to me

Someone like you 

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem because I wanted to express the pain i felt when i went through certain things in my life. I didnt want to be very specific about what I went through. I just would hope others would understand how I felt through my words.

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