The cage with chains | Teen Ink

The cage with chains

September 10, 2014
By MimiDodd BRONZE, Clinton, Illinois
MimiDodd BRONZE, Clinton, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm cages up no where to fly, no room to run

No idea how to escape from the cage I'm in

No one to help me find the key

No one to help me fly away

No one to pick the lock

I can't escape because I'm caged up and my heart is chained from the inside

How can I ever escape this cage with chains

This cage holds me back from the light

These chains hold my heart stil with out love

How can I escape a dark cage with ice as chains

How can a heart that is chained love anyone

How can a body caged up fly to the sky or run free of chains

How can I love with my heart chained with chains of ice

And how can I fly with a dark cage

How can I ever escape from my cage with chains

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