Everything i fear | Teen Ink

Everything i fear

September 3, 2014
By sutt0n PLATINUM, Centennial, Colorado
sutt0n PLATINUM, Centennial, Colorado
21 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"The duty of youth is to challenge corruption." - Kurt Cobain

Tied up in my own complications that i have created on my own. 

No one else to blame.

I slammed the door you had opened shut, in an attempt to keep you out.

You broke down that door and pulled my stilled body off the ground that i had so easily became accustomed to.

You wiped my tears away with your soft and forgiving hands.

You kissed my pain away and sent me falling into the unknown oblivion.

Those eyes make me melt like a candle being lit with the sun.

All my fears and regrets floated away when you knocked down that door.


The only fear that remains is the thought of you leaving me in the place where it all began, without the smallest bit of understanding left in your eyes.

You slamming that once open door in my face, throwing out the love we once shared. Everything i fear.

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