Plastered SMiles | Teen Ink

Plastered SMiles

August 17, 2014
By RoninSpire BRONZE, Tracy, California
RoninSpire BRONZE, Tracy, California
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love makes one do strange things

Standing alone,
Yet sad.

You never ever,
Could have known.

That those smiles,
Could have hidden,
Such a dark force,
Of nature.

Even in,
Amongst these crowds,
Could you have just seen,
The sorrow,
Through those eyes.

You would have,
You would have known,
You would have seen,
You would have felt.

Or would you have ignored,
It's warnings,
Of disaster?

Would you have helped,
If you had seen,
Just seen through those eyes?

Could you,
Would you,
Will you possibly,
Just take a moment,
To see,
If those smiles,
Through and through,
Were real,
Or not?

You never could have known,
Even if you wanted,
You would have never known,
Until you just asked,
What was wrong.

Your smiles,
They were never truly there,
Are you alright?

Will you accept my help,
If you desire it?

Will you leave me be,
If you help me,
then just abandon me?

Will you help me?

Will you get me up,
So I can dust myself off?

Will you help those pour souls,
Will you even look through,
Their smiles?

And see the pain,
Feelings beneath them?

Standing all alone,
Even in,
Amongst the crowds,
Would you notice,
Those plastered smiles,
Of sunlight,
That never was?

And through,
Would you even take a moment,
Just to see,
If they were alright?

The author's comments:
Sometimes we take for granted the state someone is in.

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