The Spark She Didn't Need | Teen Ink

The Spark She Didn't Need

August 11, 2014
By Hwoodall05 BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
Hwoodall05 BRONZE, Easley, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
People want to read what they are afraid to say.

I look out into the dark,
Looking for the tiny spark,
To set me off,
To set me free,
To set me out into eternity.

His eyes smoldered for me,
I thought I saw the spark.
The one to set me off,
The one to set me free,
I wanted him for eternity.

The spark ignited,
my insides alighted.
It set me off,
It set me free.
Like I had known him for an eternity.

I, Scared by burning desire.
My insides were on fire.
It pissed me off,
I was not free.
Will it be like this for an eternity.

Where was the spark,
I found in the dark?
That set me off?
That set me free?
I'm lost in this eternity.

What I truly wanted
was not what I needed
To set me off
To set me free,
I drowned in my eternity.

The author's comments:
You don't need to fall in love for the attention or the feeling of being wanted. But, because your heart is ready to find that special someone. If you rush it, you'll be trapped... and lonely.

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