Electro-Generation | Teen Ink


April 1, 2014
By Anonymous

Unceasing unending garbage streaming through glowing screens,
Children attached to the electro-mother with wire umbilical cords,
Thumbs never stopping their endless taping,
Tap tap tap tap tap,
A moment of silence and then vibration,
A moment of silence is all we get,
Buzz buzz buzz and the electric hum,
Never alone, never silence,
The phone resembles the morphine drip,
Melding to chairs,
The new generation on the grid, always seen,
The online footprint is the only one we leave,
But everything’s okay, we have our reality shows,
Watch the stories, stay connected, what’s going on in the world?
Supplemental reality, store bought life,
Why go out, when you can skype?
So many colorful sights and sounds,
Tv, Dvd, texing, and sexting,
Talking face to face no longer required,
As long as we have the electro-mother.

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