Earth and Time | Teen Ink

Earth and Time

January 13, 2014
By Kate O&#39Neil BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Kate O&#39Neil BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ecphrastic poetry using describe-Earth and Time

it begins with rough rock(touch, sight)

like a language starts with a letter(simile)

loose pieces crumble down the steep slope(sight, hear)

just as a penny bounces out of pocket unnoticed(simile)

the withered, prickly tree-(sight, touch)

it’s an old man, tired and worn(metaphor)

the barren arms reach out desperately(personification)

grabbing the clouded sun trying to be seen(personification, sight)

like a star wishes to be born(simile)

mist dwells among the mineral plateaus(smell, sight)

like an idea lingering in a mind(simile)

the warm wind hisses through the rock(touch,hear,personification)

like a mother whistling a lullaby(simile, hear)

the black feathered birds soar to the horizon(sight)

as slaves followed the North Star for freedom(simile, sight)

deep trenches run along the sanded floor(personification, sight)

like tight hallways in an ancient mansion(simile)

the looming, grey clouds(sight)

the rough crimson rock(touch, sight)

the wilted, lonely tree(sight)

the black birds billowing in the wind(sight, touch)

the hovering mist(sight, touch)

the rooted trenches(sight)

all point to the center sun(sight)
like tying together the end of a book(simile)

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