Deep Beneath | Teen Ink

Deep Beneath

October 6, 2013
By Anonymous

As you can see, a lot of things have happened to me. I’ve lost my best friend and my family too, But one thing I’ve done, Is I’ve always pulled through.

Not for my mom and not for my dad, But for my siblings because they’re not bad. They probably won’t understand why I left, I just needed to get out - I was so depressed.

A prisoner of my own mind, A case like this was one of a kind. The sadness in me fell too deep, I couldn’t do anything - only weep.

Addictions tear families apart, think about it and it’ll break your heart. Some just can’t control the wanting, just do it once and then begins the haunting.

You’ll lie and you’ll steal, you’ve spent all your money, forget your next meal. You’ll want to stop, you’ll try to break free, All patients at rehab will have to agree.

So I have some things to prove to some people, They probably won’t listen unless they stepped off their steeple. They say it’s hereditary, others say state of mind, Look me up in a few years, you’ll be surprised at what you find.

I’ll have a big house, and a beautiful family too. I said, “I’ll do anything mom, To not end up like you.”pain

The author's comments:
This poem expresses how I felt while going through the painful experience of addiction in my family.

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